h2oIQ.org reports on water news and related issues. It focuses almost entirely on North America. The all-volunteer site’s operator, perhaps naively, believe water is so fundamental to life and liberty that it should be a non-political cause. They cite the traditional Native American stance of always considering the coming generations, even if it means sacrifice in the present.
Visit them: h2oIQ.org
This newsy site largely excerpts, and links to, water news in publications throughout North America and, occasionally, the world. They posit that, because water is essential to life and public health, knowledge should be an important source of power to protect it and use it wisely.
What we did for this water news website:
- Integrated artificial intelligence (AI) to scan the internet for prospective articles about water.
- Developed convenient way for visitors to identify water-quality factors anywhere in the United States and territories. (Currently offline, as government databases appear to have changed.)
- Made it easy to feed site updates into a social media campaign.
- Created related products to use as promotions and fundraisers.
- Coded an animated headline for a related advertisement in the site’s global footer (using only CSS!).
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